Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 It was full of excitement and anticipation that we joined Kyle Goetsch and Jon Kerrin on a beautiful fruit farm in the Cederberg mountains for an Astro Photography Workshop and we learned so much under their guidance. In a warm atmosphere of friendship and fun, they guided us patiently and generously imparted their knowledge in the field, punctuating this by a welcome coffee lashed with Amarula to keep the creative juices flowing well into the night.

Their expertise in post processing was invaluable and their wizardry in the kitchen adding a caring and delicious touch to their workshop.

Still basking in the memory of those wonderful days I am discovering more gems in my first collection of Astro photographs as I process my files.

Full of admiration for their work, I urge you to visit their website, join them on one of their many workshops and follow them on INSTAGRAM for a regular dose of inspiration.

LINK: Venturekj website


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